Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XI

When Windsor walles susteyned my wearied arme,
My hand my chin, to ease my restles hed:
Yet pleasant plots revested green with warme,
The blossomd bowes, with lusty Ver yspred,
The flowered meades, the wedded birdes so late
Mine eyes discover: and to my minde resorte
The joly woes, the hatelesse short debate,
The rakehell life, that longes to loves disporte.
Wherewith (alas) the heavy charge of care
Heapt in my brest breaks forth against my will,
In smoky sighes, that overcast the ayre.
My vapord eyes suche drery teares distill,
The tender spring which quicken where they fall,
And I halfbent to throw me down withall.


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